
Use Cases Members

Alternative Data For Fixed Income

Fixed income securities traditionally include bonds, treasuries, and other debt instruments. When evaluating these securities, asset managers estimate creditworthiness and risk-return characteristics, yield curves, interest rates, and macroeconomic factors.

By Dallán Ryan
a year ago
Use Cases Members

Eagle Alpha Spotlight - Financial Data

Financial data is a broad category that includes datasets that fall between traditional and alternative data. We have broken this data category into four key sub-categories: 1) tick and pricing data; 2) flow data; 3) fundamental data; and 4) trading signals.

By Mikheil Shengelia
2 years ago
Strategic Insights Members

Data Strategy: 2022 Year in Review

In 2022, we published over 120 pieces of content and hosted more than 30 workshops. In this paper, we highlight the best-attended workshops, our content that saw the most engagement, and an editor’s pick of pertinent content that should remain front of mind as we enter into the new year.

By Dallán Ryan
2 years ago