Strategic Insights

First Steps in Alternative Data for the Buyside
In this paper, we combine Eagle Alpha’s eight years of experience including thousands of interactions with stakeholders in the alternative data ecosystem, with the output from detailed interviews with veteran alternative data buyers.
Developing a Data Insights Unit for Alt Data on Wall Street (Case Study)
Every month, Eagle Alpha publishes a case study exploring the successful implementation of alternative data by a buyside fund. The information presented below comes from news articles and other public sources.
Alternative Data in Investment Management: Usage, Challenges and Valuation
Expert Hub contributor Gene Ekster published a paper with Peter N. Kolm from NYU. Gene has recently begun teaching at NYU Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences.
Expert Commentary: Making Your Firm More Data Driven
Expert Hub contributor Saeed Amen discusses how to make your trading firm data-driven saying you cannot just “hire a bunch of folks…and throw money at it”.
Expert Content: Implementing A Rigorous Investment Process
One of our Expert Hub contributors, Jonathan Neitzell of Anduril Partners and previously CDO at Goldman Sachs, discusses what he believes is best practice in establishing an investment process.
Social Issues, Politics and the U.S. Elections: Will Trump Be Re-Elected
The following is a synopsis of a panel discussion from Eagle Alpha’s September virtual conference.
Expert Commentary on US Election Data
The US election is rapidly approaching. There are common datasets that can be applied to the topic with the most cited being polling data and betting odds data
Top Datasets to Replace Sell-Side Estimates in a Post-COVID-19 World
On this workshop, we discussed the top datasets to replace sell-side estimates in a post-COVID-19 world.
Keynote: Buyside Acceptance of Alt Data-The Imperative of Ticker Mapping
As part of our 2020 virtual conference, Tim Baker, Head of IEX Cloud provided a keynote on the imperative of ticker mapping.
Keynote: Onboarding Data-Speed Time to Market
Hinesh opened by saying that over the last forty years a generic quant strategy has seen a secular decay and alpha is harder to come by. This is despite an explosion in data and data sources over those years.