
Strategic Insights Members

The ONE Conference Wrap

On the 12th and 13th of October, 2021, Eagle Alpha hosted their ONE Conference in Lowenstein Sandler’s offices in midtown New York. This event was the first in-person conference back for Eagle Alpha with several conferences over the past two years taking place across virtual channels.

By Dallán Ryan
3 years ago
Use Cases Members

Alternative Data for Inflation

On our September Alpha Workshop, we were joined by expert speakers from System2, Alternative Macro Signals, and Revelio Labs to discuss the unique insights alternative data can provide into the inflation debate, particularly employment data and online news sources.

By Dallán Ryan
3 years ago
Use Cases Members

Industrial Data

On Thursday, February 18th, 2021 we held a workshop on Industrial Data. We have attached a synopsis of the workshop and a video link to playback the full workshop. The main topics discussed are shown here:

By Dallán Ryan
3 years ago