Consumer Credit

Use Cases Members

Alternative Data For Fixed Income

Fixed income securities traditionally include bonds, treasuries, and other debt instruments. When evaluating these securities, asset managers estimate creditworthiness and risk-return characteristics, yield curves, interest rates, and macroeconomic factors.

By Dallán Ryan
2 years ago
Use Cases Members

Insurance Data Overview

Access to accurate and timely information is the lifeblood of the insurance industry, and alternative sources of data can contribute to success on a range of fronts including underwriting, risk mitigation, and claims management.

By Dallán Ryan
3 years ago
Use Cases Members

Alt Data and Credit Markets

Investors are looking for alternative data that can help assess the debt market. Alternative data such as consumer transaction data, B2B invoice data, loan data, and web traffic data could all be applied to credit markets.

By Dallán Ryan
4 years ago