Implementing a Data Strategy in Private Markets (CAIA Association Collaboration)
The atttached article is part one of a four-part series on the topic of alternative data for private equity markets in collaboration with the CAIA association. A recording of a short webcast discussing the topic can also be found below.
Eagle Alpha's Buyside Alternative Data Survey
On Thursday, June 10th, 2021, we held a strategy workshop where Ronan Crosson, Director, Data Strategy & Analytics, and Niall Hurley, CEO, discussed the results of our 2021 buyside survey. We have attached the slide deck and a video link to playback the full workshop below.
Quarterly Wrap with Lowenstein Sandler (Q2 2021)
In this month’s legal workshop, Ronan Crosson, Director, Data Strategy and Analytics, was joined by Ben Kozinn and Peter Greene of Lowenstein Sandler to reflect on the past three months and discuss any recent compliance developments within the alternative data space.
INTERACT Conference Day 2
INTERACT Conference Day 1 - ESG
On May 25th – 26th 2021, Eagle Alpha hosted its INTERACT Conference. Day one was dedicated to ESG and topics surrounding ESG. Attached are summaries to each session along with the slides from the day. Below you can find recordings to each session.
Buyside Alternative Data Survey 2021
24 buyside funds with varying levels of alternative data experience completed detailed surveys over a three-week period in May 2021. Below are the key takeaways from these surveys. See on the right for the full survey report.
Advanced Alpha Testing Techniques
On Thursday, May 20th, 2021 we held a workshop on Advanced Alpha Testing Techniques. We have attached a synopsis of the workshop and a video link to playback the full workshop.
Eagle Alpha Legal Wrap - May 2021
Eagle Alpha rounds up some of the most relevant legal and compliance articles surrounding the alternative data space over the past month.