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Strategic Insights Members

BlackRock: Warming up to China

In its recent Global Equity Outlook, BlackRock outlined its position on the attractiveness of China’s equities: “Making money in Chinese stocks requires dropping one’s preconceptions, paying close attention to policy priorities and using new data sources to generate ideas.

By Dallán Ryan
8 years ago
Use Cases Members

Hasbro: Actionable Insights

On the 15th of July, we produced a research note on the US toy market highlighting “… pressure on licensed brands [as] a headwind for Hasbro in the US.” We showed that Hasbro had lost share amongst the bestselling boys’ toys in the US.

By Dallán Ryan
9 years ago
Use Cases Members

Google Indicators: Events Recap

Eagle Alpha has spent over 2 years perfecting indices based on online search activity. By creating baskets of online search terms related to certain topics, Eagle Alpha can build indices that improve existing models and indicators with clients also being able to create proprietary indices.

By Dallán Ryan
9 years ago