Web scraping case: hiQ Labs vs. LinkedIn
hiQ Labs is a tech startup that collects public LinkedIn profiles and sells analytics to companies wishing to improve management of their workforces (e.g. reduce turnover, increase organizational agility).
hiQ Labs is a tech startup that collects public LinkedIn profiles and sells analytics to companies wishing to improve management of their workforces (e.g. reduce turnover, increase organizational agility).
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), to be implemented on May 25th 2018, is designed to ensure and strengthen data protection procedures for individuals within the EU.
Asset managers have been integrating alternative datasets in their processes but they should be highly attentive and avoid sources that contain personally identifiable information (PII).
Bird & Bird, an international law firm, prepared the attached white papers for the European Union TOREADOR project (“TrustwOrthy model-awaRE Analytics Data plafORm”). The aim of the project is to help European companies fully benefit from Big Data Analytics.
PSD2 – Revised Payment Services Directive – is soon to cause a disruption to Europe’s financial system.
Asset managers have been integrating alternative datasets in their processes but they should be highly attentive and avoid sources that contain personally identifiable information.
By a 3-to 2 vote, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ruled that broadband providers like Comcast and AT&T will have to obtain permission in order to collect and distribute private data.
inkedIn decided to sue 100 individuals for using bots collecting user profiles.
Tonia Ouellette Klausner, a partner with Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, and a member of their Internet Law and Strategy Group, explained how buyside firms are using web crawling software and how legal risks could be mitigated.
Automated crawling of websites (also often referred to as “scraping” or “web-harvesting”) is ubiquitous. Internet search engines use “web crawler” programs (sometimes called “bots” or “spiders”) to automatically copy third-party websites in order to help people easily find sites of interest.
This document highlights issues such as copyright infringement, breach of contract, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, trespass to chattels, and ‘Hot news’ misappropriation have to be considered when undertaking data crawling operations.